| ![]() MIL-C-62135 A(AT) Test Failure. If a crane fails to pass any acceptance test specified herein, the
Government inspector shall stop acceptance of subsequent cranes until evidence has been
provided by the contractor that corrective actions have been accomplished.
4.5.2 Performance Test. To determine conformance to 3.4, each complete crane assembly
shall have all electrical equipment actuated and checked for functional requirements. Radio Interference Suppression Test. To determine conformance to 3.4.1, the crane
assembly shall be checked for meeting radio interference requirements. Rotation Test. To determine conformance to 3.4.2, the crane assembly shall be
operated in both directions and checked for meeting performance requirements. During the
operation of the turntable, the self energized brake performance shall be tested using an actual or
simulated load, actual or simulated positions and checked for meeting performance requirements. Elevation and Hoisting Test. To determine conformance to 3.4.3, the boom assembly
shall be operated through the degrees of elevation, and cable speed checked for meeting
requirements. The boom and cable with specified load shall retain the load in a fired position
when the self energized brake is actuated. The override device shall permit manually lowering the
load and boom in the event of an electrical failure.
4.5.3 Comparison Tests. The Government may select crane assembly any time during a
production contract period and subject crane assembly to all tests listed on Table I and Table II to
reveal defects of a workmanship or materials nature that may reduce the effective operation of
these items in the field and compare existing quality with previous standards. These tests shall be
conducted at Government laboratories or proving grounds designated by the contracting officer.
The crane assembly mounted on the M520 vehicle shall meet all requirements of this specification. Test Failure. Failure of any crane assembly tested to comply with any of the
requirements specified in the contract, or any, major defect of a workmanship or materials nature
occuring during or as a result of the test cycle, shall be considered cause for refusal to continue
acceptance of crane assembly by the Government until objective evidence has been shown that
corrective action has been taken to eliminate the condition which caused the failure. Any defects
found during or as a result of the test shall be prima facie evidence that cranes accepted
subsequently are similarly defective unless evidence satisfactory to the contracting officer is
furnished by the contractor that they are not similar defects. Such defects on all crane assemblies
shall be corrected by the contractor at no cost to the Government.
4.6 Safety Features Check. To determine conformance to 3.5 during crane operation, all
safety features including sensing device shall be checked for meeting requirements.
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