| ![]() MIL-C-62207B(AR)
4.4 First article. The requirement for first article approval and the
designation of responsibility for first article inspection to either the
Government or the contractor shall be specified in the contract.
4.4.1 Sample. The first article sample shall be three assemblies
selected at random by the Government representative from the first fifteen
production assemblies.
4.4.2 Inspection. The sample shall be subjected to all the inspections
specified in tables III, IV and V.
4.4.3 Failure. Failure of any assembly to meet any requirement shall be
cause for refusal to grant first article approval. The Government reserves
the right to terminate first article inspection upon any failure of any
assembly to comply with any stated requirement.
4.4.4 Responsiblity. The contractor, whether or not responsible, shall
inspect the sample for conformance to all contractual requirements and shall
submit a record-of this inspection with the sample and certificates of
conformance for materials. The Government reserves the right to witness
inspections performed by the contractor.
TABLE III. Performance tests.
TABLE IV. General tests.
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