| ![]() MIL-C-62310A(AT) Data requirements. Before test, determine pressure rise across the water pump
as a function of coolant flow. The coolant temperature shall be 180 5F with the pressure cap
off. NOTE: Differential pressure across the pump shall be used to determine coolant flow
(turbine-type meters are not accurate in aerated mediums). Excepting coolant loss, the following
data shall be continuously recorded during test:
Engine speed.
Coolant flow.
Coolant temperature (radiator inlet).
Differential pressure across the water pump (water to pump - 0 to 30 psig)
(water from pump 0 to 60 psig).
Surge tank pressure.
Air injection rate.
Elapsed time.
Coolant loss shall be determined after test.
Air entrained in coolant from radiator. 1/
Air entrained in coolant makeup line. 1/
1/ Monitored visually using sight glass. Test procedure. To insure that cooling system is full, fill with water and run
engine until coolant temperature is 190F. Stop engine and allow coolant temperature to fall
below 120F. Add water, as necessary, to the cold fill level (bottom of the fill neck extension).
Start engine and establish initial operating conditions specified in 4.7.18. Visually insure that
coolant is free of air. Begin injecting air into the cooling system at 0.15 cfm and 15 psig.
Continue for 12 minutes, minimum, to insure stability. Increase air injection rate in
0.15 increments to 0.6 cfm. Inject air at each incremental change for 12 minutes minimum.
After 12 minutes, minimum, at 0.6 air injection rate, shut off the air supply. Continue running
the engine, until sight glass clears. Test failure. The test is a failure, unless all the following criteria are satisfied:
a. Coolant flow rate shall not fall below 50 percent of its initial value.
b. Coolant loss shall not exceed 4 quarts.
c. Cooling system clearing time (elapsed time required for coolant, as observed
through a sight glass, to return to it's initial clarity after air injection stops) shall
not exceed 4 minutes.
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