| ![]() MIL-C-64030(AR) Hardwire deploy reverse polarity test. Use a
storage scope to apply a pulse with an amplitude of -8 + 0.2 volts
and a width of 1 0.1 millisecond to El (HW1) with respect to E2
(HW2). After 10 seconds, use a voltmeter verify that the voltage
at Q23 anode (VHV) meets the requirements of RF omnidirectional sensitivity test. Rotate the
SAFE/ARM switch clockwise to the SAFE position. Prior to
performing the following tests, a battery having a minimum output
voltage of 12 volts and a minimum output current capacity of 1
ampere may be substituted for the DC power supply specified in If this substitution is desired, disconnect the
external power source from Pi-RED (+14.4 VDC) , then P1-BLK
(COMMON). Connect the battery negative terminal to P1-BLK
(COMMON) and then the positive terminal to P1-RED (+14.4 VDC). Minimum reception orientation test. Perform the
accelerated arm sequence specified in Use a
multimeter to verify that the voltage on Q23 anode (VHV) is less
than 0.5 volts. While transmitting a continuous biphase FSK
signal to the Control Indicator via the RF link at the Maximum
Field Strength as specified on Drawing 9333026, rotate the Control
Indicator about its verical axis ( the line extending through the
center of the top and bottom of the Control Indicator assembly)
until the 455 kHz frequency component of the signal at A1-U3-10
(IFIN pin of the front end RF amplifier on the RF Receiver card)
with respect to J1-23 (GND) is minimized. While maintaining this
Control Indicator orientation, transmit an RF DEPLOY command at
the Minimum Required Field Strength as specified on Drawing
9333026. Use a multimeter to verify that the voltage on Q23 anode
(VHV) meets the requirements of Maximum reception orientation test. Perform the
accelerated arm sequence specified in Use a
multimeter to verify that the voltage on Q23 anode (VHV) is less
than 0.5 volt. While transmitting a continuous biphase FSK signal
to the Control Indicator via the RF link at the Maximum Field
Strength as specified on Drawing 9333026, rotate the Control
Indicator about its verical axis until the 455 kHz frequency
component of the signal at A2-U3-10 is maximized. While
maintaining this Control Indicator orientation, transmit an RF
DEPLOY command at the Minimum Required Field Strength as specified
on Drawing 9333026. Use a multimeter to verify that the voltage
on Q23 anode (VHV) meets the requirements of Premature RF deploy test. Rotate the SAFE/ARM
switch clockwise to the SAFE position. After 5 seconds, rotate
the SAFE/ARM switch clockwise to the TEST position. Verify that
the BATT OK and CKT OK lights turn on. Rotate the SAFE/ARM switch
clockwise to the LOAD position. Load a valid FSD pattern, as
defined on Drawing 9333026, into the Control Indicator by applying
the pattern to J1-1 (MCD1) with respect to J1-14 (MCD2) as shown
in figure 8. Verify that the DATA IN lights turns on. Depress
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