| ![]() MIL-C-64037 (AR)
Observation shall be made for misfires and duds, and shall
be recorded. Should a premature burst or metal parts
separation occur, a photograph shall be taken of the evidence
and attached to the firing record. The velocity and range
standard deviations and arithmetic averages shall be calculated
and recorded. Range probable error shall be calculated and
recorded. Temperature of the day, weather and the time of
firing shall also be recorded.
Hawk radar shall be used to observe for metal parts
separation, unobserved snort rounds and unobserved duds. In
these events, an analysis should be made of the radar data and
should be noted on the firing record. This shall include a
comparison of times of flight of the unobserved rounds with
that of the normal rounds. Prints of the radar traces of these
rounds, and prints of the preceding and succeeding rounds,
shall be attached to the firing record. Data from
ballistically acceptable lots may be discarded.
A smear camera shall be used to photograph all test
samples. The camera shall be positioned to pick up each round
just outside the second velocity coil. Should an unobserved
dud, short round or any other abnormal performance occur, a
photo print of these rounds, and prints of all the other rounds
in that particular charge zone, shall be attached to the firing
record. Film from acceptable lots may be discarded. Test validity. If for any reason the proving
ground personnel considers that the test conditions have
detrimentally affected the test result, the test results shall
be declared invalid and a new test shall be performed on
additional sample cartridges.
4.5.3 Determination of cavities. The sample cartridges
(HE filled) shall be subjected to radiographic examination.
The radiographic beam shall form a 90 angle with the
longitudinal axis of the projectile. Examination of the
radiograph shall be made to determine compliance with
applicable requirements. Radiographic equipment, operations
and procedures shall be qualified in accordance with
MIL-STD-453. In addition, the sensitivity of the radiographic
technique shall be 2.0 percent, and the photographic density of
the film used shall be no less than 1.25, as determined in
accordance with In the event an original radiograph
leave doubt as to acceptability, the Cartridge Shall be
re-radiographed at an angle 90 from that of the original
exposure and in the same plane. Sensitivity check of radiographic technique. The
sensitivity of radiographic technique shall be determined by
the means of a penetrameter fabricated as specifies herein.
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