| ![]() MIL-C-70501 (AR)
3.8 Transportation-vibration test. The container
assemblies shall be able to withstand the transportation-
vibration procedure of 4.5.5 and subsequently be safe to handle
and fire.
3.9 Water repellancy. The container assemblies shall
satisfactorily pass the water repellancy test specified in
The container assemblies
3.10 Fin-boom simulation test.
shall satisfactorily pass the fin-boom simulation test speci-
fied in 4.5.8.
A process control document,
3.11 Process description.
including a complete process description in accordance with
DI-P-1604 (Modified) is required during first article.
Government review of the process control document is required
prior to initiation of production.
3.12 First article inspection. This specification makes
provisions for first article inspection. Requirements for
submission of first article samples by the contractor shall be
as specified in the contract.
3.13 Workmanship.
3.13.1 Container parts and assemblies. The container
parts and assembles shall be free of dirt, grease or other
foreign material.
The packaging shall be free from
3.13.2 Packaging.
foreign material. The boxes shall be assembled without undue
binding and no flap shall project beyond the edge of the box
when closed.
4.1 Responsiblity for inspection and standard quality
assurance provisions. Unless otherwise specified herein or in
the contract, the Provisions of MIL-A-48078 shall apply and are
hereby made a part of this detail specification.
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