| ![]() MIL-C-70501 (AR)
from the same tube used for the test groups. If no hangup
occurs in the reference group, the test lot shall be rejected.
If a hangup occurs in the reference group, the test lot shall
be referred.
The test lot shall also be rejected if one or more rounds
exhibit secondary flame at any zone or flaming debris reach the
ground during zone 4 firing. All other flaming debris results
shall be reported for information only. A formal firing report
is required.
First article. One hundred and seventy five test
rounds shall be ballistically tested.
These rounds shall
consist of seven groups. Each group shall be zone fired in the
sequence indicated in Table 2.
TABLE 2 Production.
Fifty test rounds shall be ballis-
tically tested.
These rounds shall consist of two groups.
Each group shall be zone fired in the sequence indicated in
Table 3.
4.5.4 Compression strength test. The empty container
assembly shall be inserted between the plates of a spring
compression tester in such a manner that a straight line drawn
through the ends of the container would be perpendicular to the
plane of the plates.
Using 0.3 to 0.5 pounds pressure to hold
the container in place, check the perpendicularity of the
container to the plates. With a .606 inch precision block held
in the opening between the ends of the container assembly,
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