| ![]() MIL-C-70690 (AR)
4.4.5 Dispersion. The method of test and measurement of
targets shall be as prescribed in AS102013566 and in Table I. The
test range shall be 100 meters.
4.4.6 Action time.
The method of test shall be as prescribed
in AS12013566.
4.4.7 Projectile trace. The method of test shall be as
prescribed in AS12013566. Visual observation(s) or photographic
witness of trace characteristics shall be made from suitable
4.4.8 Projectile function. The method of test shall be as
prescribed in AS12013566. The aluminum target shall be located as
required from the gun muzzle normal to the line of fire.
Observation of projectile functioning shall be made from a
suitable position.
4.4.9 Function and casualty. The method of test shall be as
prescribed in AS12013566. The test sample shall be assembled in
belts and fired in bursts of 25 + 5 rounds in a 25mm gun at a rate
of 200 + 50 rounds per minute. The weapon barrel shall be at
ambient temperature at beginning of the test and cooled to ambient
after each 100 rounds (see Table II).
4.4.10 Defective weapon. The test barrel shall be inspected
prior to testing. No test barrel which has had more than 5000
rounds fired through it should be used.
4.5 In-process controls.
4.5.1 Uniformity of charge. A machine shall be chosen which
is known to drop charges with better than average uniformity and
which gives constant results in the daily production tests. If
relative machine performance is unknown, special tests should be
fired to assure selection of a good machine.
4.5.2 Loading control. A quantity of 20 rounds shall be
fired for pressure and velocity for each four hours of and eight
hour shift to establish velocity and pressure values, and check
the charge weight and uniformity of charge weight every hour.
Once established, the charge weight shall remain constant
throughout loading.
5.1 Packing level A. The type of ammunition pack shall be in
accordance with instructions from the procuring agency.
Ammunition shall be packed in accordance with Dwg. 12013674.
5.2 Marking. Marking on the packed container shall be in
accordance with Dwg. 12013674, as applicable.
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