| MIL-C-70724(AR) Attitude. The cartridge shall be safe to fire (no
critical defects in accordance with Table IV) and the reliability
shall not degrade more than 0.10 (See 6.8) when fired at
elevations between 85 degrees. Cartridge ejection. The fired cartridge case shall
not eject from the weapon such that it endangers the shooter, and
no burning propellant shall be ejected in the area of the
shooters. Belt pull. The cartridge shall exhibit sufficient
energy to operate the M249 machine gun when pulling the equivalent
weight of a free hanging 200 round belt. Hot chamber effects. Immediately following the
continuous firing of the prescribed number of rounds (200 rounds
in the machine guns and 150 rounds in the rifles and sub-machine
guns) the cartridge shall not fire upon insertion into the weapon
Following the prescribed waiting period, the weapon
shall be readily clearable.
3.5 Environmental.
3.5.1 Sand and dust. The cartridge shall be safe to fire
(no critical defects in accordance with Table IV) when subjected
to sand and dust.
3.5.2 Corrosion. The cartridge shall be safe to store and
fire (no critical defects in accordance with Table IV) after being
subjected to a 5% salt spray.
3.5.3 Temperature/humidity cyclinq. The cartridge shall be
safe to store and fire (no critical defects in accordance with
Table IV) after being subjected to a 10-day temperature/humidity
cycle. The reliability of the cartridge (see 6.8) shall not
degrade by more than 0.05 and the cyclic rate shall not change by
more than 15% after being subjected to temperature/humidity
3.5.4 Long term storage.
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