| ![]() MIL-C-70725A (AR)
d. The estimated time required to clear all jams and
stoppages shall be recorded for each incident.
The rough handling test shall be
4.6.26 Rough handling.
conducted as follows:
One half the sample plus 75 rounds shall be placed
(loose) in M2A1 ammunition containers, with between 100 and 200
rounds in each container. The interior surfaces of the M2A1 cans
shall be free of paint. Up to three containers at a time shall
be placed on the test table and subjected to the loose cargo test
No. 14 of drawing 8837375. Test only on surface.
b. Following the test period, 500 of the conditioned
cartridges shall be fired in accordance with the function and
casualty firing schedule for 500 rounds with the cyclic rates
recorded as indicated. The same shall be repeated with 500 of
the unconditioned cartridges in the same weapon.
c. For each weapon type, the average cyclic rate
obtained with conditioned cartridges shall be statistically
compared to the average cyclic rate obtained with unconditioned
The cyclic rates and their difference shall be
d. The estimated time required to clear all jams and
stoppages shall be recorded for each incident.
e. The 150 extra cartridges shall be waterproof
tested using the same method previously used (bubble method or
firing method) for waterproof- testing.- Check for compliance with
the requirements.
4.6.27 Toxic fumes. Each weapon (M16A1 or M16A2) shall be
placed inside a closed chamber with the muzzle through an orifice
on one side. The chamber shall be a cube, 2.13 meters on a side
(9.67 cubic meters). Fire five trials of 30 rounds each, in each
weapon, in short bursts. Draw air samples continuously to
monitor for carbon monoxide, ammonia, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur
dioxide. Repeat the test using 5.56mm, Ball M193 Cartridges for
4.6.28 Safety hazard classification. The test shall be
conducted by the contractor at his expense. The Government
reserves the right to observe all testing. The tests shall be
conducted in accordance with TB-700-2, paragraph 5-3e Single
stack test, 5-3g External fire stack test utilizing one outer
packing unit placed on a wooden stand.
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