| ![]() MIL-C-70725A (AR)
50.4 Bullet integrity. As part of the Function and
Casualty firings, a quantity of rounds (as specified in Tables I,
II, and shall be evaluated in accordance with the
following procedure. A paper sheet (6 feet x 6 feet, minimum)
shall be stretched tightly over a rigid frame of the same size.
The sheet shall be placed perpendicular to the barrel of the
weapon, 15 feet from the muzzle. The sheet shall be replaced as
necessary to facilitate observation. Any evidence of bullet
fragmentation indicated by irregular perforations or by the
number of perforations exceeding the number of rounds fired shall
be noted. All irregular perforations shall be measured. All
irregular perforations greater than 1/10 inch shall be classed as
50.5 Breech flash. During all Function and Casualty
firings, the breech of the weapons shall be observed for breech
flash. Any instance of breech-flash shall be noted, as well as,
the relative magnitude of each occurrence. The criteria shall be
considered met if the number of breech flash defects meets the
acceptable levels as called out in Table I. The observer shall
classify all occurrences of breech flash as follows:
a. Critical - Any instance of breech flash that will
cause hazardous or unsafe conditions for a shooter (right or left
b. Major - Any instance of flame in the breech area
that is not critical.
c. Minor - Any instance of breech sparks which do not
eject into the area of a shooter.
The following procedure shall be followed:
50.6 Fouling.
a. Cleaning or lubrication of the barrel or any part
of the weapon is only permitted in between 1000-round segments,
after observation for fouling has been made. Should stoppages or
malfunctions occur at a rate greater than that allowed by Table
IV, the weapon shall be examined for evidence of propellant
fouling or particle/shavings fouling as a possible cause. The
results of the examination shall be noted.
b. To evaluate the effect of fouling on cyclic rate,
the "ending average" cyclic rate shall be compared to the
"starting average" cyclic rate (see cyclic rate procedure). The
difference shall be checked for compliance with the requirement.
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