| ![]() MIL-C-81093B(OS)
6.3 Definitions
6.3.1 Vibration. Vibration is a sinusoidal motion defined by amplitude
and frequency. The amplitude may refer to displacement or to acceleration.
The displacement is given in inches peak-to-peak. The acceleration is given
in multiples of gravitational acceleration (g's). The frequency is given
in cycles per second(hertz).
6.3.2 Shock. Shock is an abrupt change in the motion of a body resulting
from the sudden application of a large external force of short duration.
Shock is described as a pulse in multiples of gravitational acceleration (g's),
duration in units of time, milliseconds (ins), and a shock pulse approximating
a one-half sine wave. The time duration shall be measured between two points
where two lines, tangent at maximum slope, intersect the zero g line.
6.3.3 Pressure. Unless otherwise specified, pressure is the pressure of the
environment to which the cartridge is exposed, expressed in pounds per square
inch absolute (psia) or pounds per square inch gage (psig).
6.3.4 Cartridge conditions Nonoperating. The condition of the uninstalled cartridge when
stored, transported, or handled. Rea dy nonoperating. The condition of the cartridge when assembled
with the end item, transported, and handled. Ready. The condition of the cartridge when fully assembled with
the torpedo and installed on the launching mechanism prior to operating.
6.4 Preparation for delivery criteria. Preservation, packaging, and
packing shall be Level A only. This level is used for those items which are
to shipped to indeterminate destinations or stored under indeterminate
conditions for redistribution anywhere.
* The margins of this specification are marked with an asterisk to
indicate where changes (additions, modifications, corrections, deletions)
from the previous issue were made. This was done as a convenience only and
the Government assumes no liability whatsoever for any inaccuracies in these
notations. Bidders and contractors are cautioned to evaluate the require
ments of this document based on the entire content irrespective of the
marginal notations and relationship to the last previous issue.
Preparing Activity:
Navy - OS
Navy- OS
Project No. 1356-N023
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