| ![]() MIL-C-81204A(WP)
4.2 Classification of inspections - Inspection of the
Container shall be classified as follows:
(a) Preproduction inspection (see 4.4)
(b) Quality conformance inspection (see 4.5)
4.3 Sampling
4.3.1 Preproduction sample - A preproduction sample
of one (1) Container, manufactured in accordance with 3.1.1 and
3.1.3, shall be subjected to the preproduction tests specified
in 4,4. Acceptance of the preproduction sample shall be based on
no defects in the sample. Further production of the Container
by the supplier, prior to the approval of the preproduction
sample, shall be at the supplier's risk.
4.3.2 Quality conformance inspection sampling - The
sampling plans and procedures set forth in MIL-STD-105 shall be
used in the determination of acceptability of the Containers
inspected as specified in 4.5.
4.3.3 Inspection lot - The number of units in an
inspection lot shall-be, where practicable, 30 Containers.
In no event will an inspection lot exceed 30 units.
4.4 Preproduction inspection - The preproduction
samples, after satisfactorily passing the examinations of 4.5.2,
shall be subjected to the Rotational Drop Test of 4.4.1. Upon
conclusion of the Rotational Drop Test, each preproduction
sample shall be subjected to the Leakage Test of 4.5.3. Certified
inspection data covering the results of preproduction inspections
shall be forwarded to the Bureau of Naval Weapons, if required
(see 6.2).
4.4.1 Rotational drop test - Each preproduction
sample shall be subjected to the following test. The Container,
loaded with a simulated Target Body held in place with Mk 84
Mod 0 Handling Bands, shall be supported at one corner of its
base on a block 6 inches in height. A 12-inch high block shall
be placed under the other corner of the same end of the Container,
The lowest point of the opposite end of the Container shall then
be raised to a height of 18 inches and allowed to fall freely
onto a steel or concrete surface of sufficient mass to absorb the
shock without deflection. This test shall be applied to all
four corners of the Container base. Any evidence of structural
failure, visible damage, or permanent deformation to the
Container shall be cause for rejection of the preproduction
samples. Minor dents, scratches, or paint flaking are not cause
for rejection.
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