| ![]() MIL-C-81360(AS)
Degraded Performance - Degraded performance will be permitted for
3.3. 12.1
voltage transients not exceeding 0.5 second during normal electric system operation. 0p-
eration shall return to normal with no resulting damage to the equipment.
Performance - Unless otherwise specified, values set forth to establish
the requirements for satisfactory performance apply to performance under both standard
and extreme service conditions. When reduced performance under the extreme conditions
is acceptable, tolerances or values setting forth acceptable variations from the performance
under the standard conditions will be specified.
Operation - The control is a manually operated unit from which the pilot
makes all his selections as to pertinent drop information.
Types of Release - The types of release which can be selected by the unit
are divided into two basic categories as follows:
Ripple - In any ripple type of release, stores release will automatically
continue at a selected drop interval as described in 3.4.4, until the pilot has released the
desired quantity of stores selected as described in 3.4.5.
Step - In any step type of release, stores release will occur at a rate
determined by a pilot. This rate will be one release pulse generated for each pilot depres-
s ion of the weapon release button.
Modes - The modes of release are as follows:
Singles - One store will be released for each output pulse.
Pairs - No stores will be released for each output pulse.
Salvo - The number of stores released for each output pulse will be equal
to the number of loaded stores stations selected.
Rate of Release - The interval between successive release output pulses
in any ripple mode shall be pilot controlled and continuously variable between 20 and 2000
milliseconds. The output pulse interval shall be within 5 percent of the control setting for
standard conditions and 10 percent for extreme conditions.
Pulse Width - The duty cycle of the output pulses shall be 50 percent of
the output pulse interval described in 3.4.4 with accuracies as follows:
Pulse Interval
2 0 - 5 0 ms
40 pct
5 0 - 2 0 0 0 ms
10 pct
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