| MIL-C-81953(AS)
and resilient and shall have high flexibility, tensile strength and resis-
tance to ozone attack, sunlight, heat, water, oil and abrasion. They
shall vulcanize readily to other synthetic rubbers used in the insulation
and to natural rubber. Insulation - Jacket material combinations. Where insulation
material is SBR, jacket material may be polychloroprene or chlorosulphonated
polyethlene. Where insulation material is chlorosulphonated polyethylene
or a combination of chlorosulphonated polyethylene and SBR, jacket material
shall be chlorosulphonated polyethylene,
3.1.2 Reinforcing fabric or braid. Fabric or braid used to reinforce
the synthetic rubber in the cable insulation shall be strong, flexible
material made of natural or synthetic fibers. It shall be bonded firmly
to the synthetic rubber materials and shall not be damaged by the tempera-
ture used to vulcanize the rubber. Reinforcing fabric or braid shall not
be used in the cable jacket.
3.2 General requirements, The cable assembly shall be as specified
hereinafter. In the event of any conflict between the requirements of
this specification and the referenced drawings, the requirements of. this
specification shall govern,
3.2.1 Splices. No factory splices shall be allowed in individual
sections of any cable unless approved by the command or agency concerned.
3.2.2 Flexural endurance. The cable assembly shall have high flexural
endurance and shall be sufficiently flexible at all temperatures between
minus 37C and plus 60C to permit ready handling and reeling on a drum
42 inches in diameter. "S" cable shall be suitable for storage on a reel
48 inches in diameter. Electrodes shall be suitablle for storage on a
reel 34 inches in diameter.
3.2.3 Cable sheath. The cable sheath shall consist of an inner insula-
tion in accordance with and an outer jacket in accordance with, The insulation and jacket shall be vulcanized together in such
a manner as to produce a single homogeneous sheath about the conductor
and shall withstand the ply separation test specified in
3.2.4 The sheath of flexible copper terminal-cables used on the "S"
cable shall be the same as that used on the buoyant section of the "S"
cab le. The molded sheath over terminal lug barrels shall be the same
material as is used for the cable jacket. The insulation of the terminal lugs shall be securely vul-
canized to the sheath of the terminal cables and firmly bonded to the
terminal barrels and flanges. When tested in accordance with 4.4.6 the
adhesion shall be not less than 10 pounds per inch of width.
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