| ![]() MIL-C-81953(AS)
3.3.5 Lug. One end of electrode shall be terminated with an alumi-
num stop. as shown on Drawing 30003-506AS100, Find #3, The stop shall be
potted onto dacron polyester rope prior to installation of lug Find #5
with a glass fiber-epoxy resin compound consisting of approximately 75
percent epoxy resin and 25 percent glass fibers (percentages given by
weight). Epoxy resin shall be equivalent to that manufactured by Kristel
Kraft Inc., Palmetto, Florida, identified as "USNMDL Spec No, 3." Glass
fibers shall be equivalent to that manufactured by Ren Plastics, Inc.,
Lansing 9, Michigan, identified as #701 1/32 inch milled fibers. After
pouring potting compound, allow at least 24 hours curing time; remove
excess compound before proceeding with assembly. Complete assembly by
installing Serving Find #9, lug Find #5 and molding compound Find #7
as shown on Drawing No. 3OOO3-5O6AS1OO,
3.3.6 Towing eye. Towing eye and installation are shown on Drawing
3.3.7 Breaking strength. The minimum breaking strength of finished
electrode shall be 6000 pounds.
3.4 Type "S" Cable. The type "S" cable shall be a single conductor,
self-buoyant, insulated cable suitable for conducting d.c. electricity
from a power source to an electrode.
3.4.1. Buoyancy. type "S" cable shall have a measured closed end
specific gravity of not more than 0,94 and an open end specific gravity
of not more than 0.96.
3.4.2 Construction. Type "S" cable shall be constructed as shown
on Drawing 3OOO3-5O6AS1O1.
3.4.3 Sheath thickness, The insulation and jacketing materials used
in the sheath of the "S" cable shall have nominal thicknesses of 120 and
50 roils, respectively.
3.4.4 Terminals, Each end of the type "S" cable shall be terminated
with a flexible connection consisting of (a) pares 9, 8, and 7 as shown
on Drawing 3OOO3-5O6AS1O1; (b) 6 feet, O inch of 1000 MCM 61 by 7/.0484
inch MHD copper cable; and (c) part 6 as shown on Drawing 30003-506AS101.
3.4.5 Physical and electrical properties. Type "S" cable shall have
the following physical and electrical properties.
(a) Current carrying capacity - 2200 amperes continuous with the
buoyant section in seawater at a temperature of 85 degrees F.
(b) Maximum d.c. resistance at 25 degrees C, - total resistance
of cable shall. not exceed 0.008 OHM.
(c) Minimum breaking strength with terminals - 15,000 pounds,
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