| ![]() MIL-C-82630(OS)
(c) The test specimen shall be held under these conditions until 0800 Tuesday, at which
time the temperature decrease shall begin. The rate of decrease of chamber temperature shall
be equal to or greater than 36 degrees F (20 C) per hour for at least 2-1/2 hours. Thus,
at 1030, the temperature of the air surrounding the test specimens shall be +70 degrees F
(21 C) or lower. The chamber temperature shall reach -65 degrees F (-54 C) no later than
1400 and this temperature shall be held until 1600.
(d) At 1600 Tuesday the chamber temperature shall be changed to +160 degrees F (71 C) and
95 +3 -0 percent humidity as rapidly as practicable (not later than 1800) and held until 0800
(e) On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday the operations performed on Tuesday shall be re-
(f) The chamber temperature shall be raised to +160 degrees F (71 C) and 95 percent
humidity on Friday evening and shall be so maintained until 0800 Monday.
(g) At 0800 Monday the sequence of operations described above for Tuesday of the first
week shall be followed and shall be repeated daily until Friday of the second week.
(h) On Friday, the chamber temperature shall be reduced to -65 degrees F (-54 C) and
this temperature shall be maintained until 0800 Monday of the third week. The cycle will be
complete at 0800 Monday. The above sequence of temperature and humidity conditions will constitute one
cycle. Two such cycles shall be applied. The second cycle shall be completed at 0800 Monday
of the fifth week. At that time, the test specimen shall be allowed to return to room tem-
perature. Without drying, wiping, or baking, the test specimen shall be subjected to the
tests of 4.5.3 and 4.5.4. Tropical environment (Fungus). For this test, the test specimen (a length of
completed cable) shall be mounted in the test chamber in such a manner as to prevent exposing
the cable ends to the environment.
(a) The test specimen shall be mounted as specified above in a mold chamber in which a
temperature Of 86 degrees F 5 degrees F (30 3 C) and a relative humidity of 90 percent
5 percent is maintained, The test specimen, while so housed, shall be sprayed with a
suspension of mixed spores. The test specimen shall be maintained in this condition for a
period of 28 days. At the end of this period, the test specimen shall be allowed to return to
room temperature , shall be examined for evidence of being nutrient to fungi, shall be sub-
jected to the tests of 4.5.3 and 4.5.4, and continuity of all conductors shall be determined.
Color photographs shall be taken of any fungus growth on the cable.
(b) One type of fungus from each group listed in MIL-T-18404 shall be used in the test
specimen inoculation. In preparing the spore suspension, distilled water (having a pH value
between 5.8 and 7.2 at 77 degrees F (25 C)) shall be prepared by sterilization in convenient
each). Approximately 10 milliliters
containers (approximately 100 milliliters
of the solution shall then be introduced directly into a stock culture and shaken vigor-
ously in order that a well sporulated suspension will result without disturbing the agar.
(c) This process shall be repeated for each type fungus. The separate spore suspension
from the various types of fungi shall then be mixed together in an atomizer to provide a
composite suspension. Actively growing cultures in ripe fruiting condition shall be used for
each inoculation and under no condition will the inoculum be kept for more than an 8-hour
4.6 Packaging, packing, and marking. Packaging, packing, and marking shall be examined for
conformance to the requirements of Section 5.
5.1 Packaging, The cable shall be wound on reels or in coils as specified in MIL-C-9l5.
Cable in lengths of 250 to 1000 feet shall be shipped on reels, whereas cable in lengths of
25 to 249 feet shall be packaged in coils.
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