| ![]() MIL-C-82632A(OS)
3.2 First article. Unless otherwise specified In the contract or purchase
order, preproduction models of the connectors shall be manufactured by the
contractor using the methods and procedures proposed for the production lot.
These nits shall be tested as specified In Section 4 herein and are for the
purpose of determining, prior to starting production, that the contractor's
production methods are capable of producing connectors that comply with the
technical requirements of the contract (see 4.2.1).
3.3 Physical requirements
3.3.1 Materials. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, requisition, or
order, all materials and purchased parts entering Into the final assembly of the
connector shall conform strictly to the detailed requirements Indicated an the
applicable drawings and specifications listed in DL 554977.
3.3.2 Finishes, coatings construction, and dimensions. Finishes, coatings,
construction, and dimensions for the connector shall be strictly In accordance
with the applicable drawings and specifications listed in DL 554977.
3.3.3 Marking. Marking of assemblies, subassemblies and parts shall be in
accordance with the applicable drawings listed in DL 5545977.
3.4 Environmental requirements
3.4.1 Temperature. The connector shall be capable of withstanding temperatures
ranging from -65 degrees to +160 degrees Fahrenheit (F) and thereafter shall show
no damage and shall meet all the performance requirements and product character-
istics of this specification.
3.4.2 Mositure, fungus, and corrosion. The connector shall be rendered mositure,
fungus, and corrosion resistant in accordance with the detail requirements specif-
ied in the drawings and specifications listed in DL 5545977.
3.4.3 Hydrostatic pressure. The connector shall maintain a watertight seal and
shall maintain an insulation resistance between the inner conductor and the sea-
water of 100 megohms minimum at 500 volts direct current (vdc) while under sea-
water pressure from zero to 1500 pounds per square inch gage (psig).
3.5 Performance requirements and product characteristics
3.5.1 Connector mat ing force. The force required to mate the two connector
halves shall not exceed 5 pounds.
3.5.2 Connector unmat ing force. The connector shall withstand a tensile pull
equal to 26.4 0.2 pounds for #23 AWG or 20.8 0.2 pounds for #24 AWG for a period
of 30 seconds without interruption of electrical continuity.
Contact voltage drop shall not exceed the following
Contact voltage drop.
Maximum Voltage Drop
Test current
Amps, DC
After 30-Day Aging
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