| ![]() 4.5 Quality conformance inspection. For each inspection lot of compound submitted for
acceptance, the quality conformance inspection shall consist of an examination for
acceptability of quality control methods used by the manufacturer, an examination of filled
containers for conformance to packaging, packing, and marking requirements, and examinations
and tests of samples for all the requirements of 3.1.2 through 3.3.2 (except 3.2.7), of this
specification. The reactivity requirement of 3.4 may be a requirement for qualIty
conformance inspection if at any time during a contract the cognizant agency determines the
material submitted under contract to be suspect.
Test methods.
4.6.1 Specific gravity. The specific gravity for both component A and component B shall
be determined by the pycnometer method for roads, oils, and tars described in ASTM D 70.
4.6.2 Viscosity. The viscosity in centipoises of both component A and component B shall
be determined by method B of ASTM D 1084. A 1-pint paint can shall be used as the standard
container and the Brookfield viscosimeter shall be used without cylindrical calibration
sleeves. Samples shall be conditioned at 75 + 5F for a minimum of 2 hours prior to
determining the viscosity. A Brookfield Synchrolectric Viscosimeter, Model RVT or RVF, may
be used. For both components, use spindle No. 5 at 10 revolutions per minute (rpm).
4.6.3 Flash point. The flash point of component A and component B shall be determined
in a Cleveland Open Cup in accordance with method 217.01 of SS-R406.
4.6.4 Exothermic temperature. The peak exothermic temperature of the reacting component
A and component B shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D 2471, except conditioning
of each component prior to mixing shall be 4 hours at 75 + 5F, without a constant
temperature bath. One-gallon cans shall be used to contain the two compone ts and to contain
the final mixture. One and one-half pounds of each component shall be weighed into the
mixing container and slowly stirred by hand with a wooden paddle for 3 minutes.
4.6.5 Gel time. The gel time of the reacting component A and component B shall be
determined in accordance with ASTM D 2471 with a sample size of 100 grams of each component.
The gel time shall be the elapsed time from start of mixing until the reacting mass no
longer flows off the probing applicator stick back into the container. This is the point
at which the gelled material is no longer pourable.
4.6.6 Slump test. Hand mix thoroughly for 1 minute 100 grams (g) of component A with
100 g of component B. Pour mixture immediately into a 3-ounce ointment can or other suitable
container (2-1/8 inches in diameter by 1-3/8 inches deep) filling to within 3/8 inch of top.
Measure time from start of mixing. After IS minutes place container on its side. Reacting
mixture shall not have slumped beyond the edge of the container when observed 30 minutes
after start of mixing. Entire procedure shall be conducted at an ambient temperature of 75
+ 5F.
4.6.7 Alkalinity. Break or dice into small pieces (approximately 1/16 by 1/16 inch)
the cured material retained from the slump test of 4.6.6. Weigh accurately approximately
l0 g of the sample into a 250-ml beaker. Add 100 ml of distilled water; boil for 30 to 45
minutes. Wash down sides of beaker with 10 to 20 ml of distilled water. Allow to cool to
room temperature. Test the solution with red litmus paper. If paper does not become blue
(pH 7) the sample shall be considered to have no alkalinity. Proceed with the acidity test
of 4.6.8.
4.6.8 Acidity. Add 5 drops of phenolphthalein to the solution from 4.6.7. Titrate with
0.01 N sodium hydroxide to the endpoint. Pink color should last for 30 sec nds. Run a blank.
Calculate percent acidity (as H2SO4) as follows:
Percent acid = 4.9 (A - B) N
nil of sodium hydroxide for the sample
nil of sodium hydroxide for the blank
normality of the sodium hydroxide
weight of sample, g.
4.6.9 Thermal conductivity. The thermal conductivity of the cured material shall be
determined in accordance with SPl Epoxy Test Method ERF 22.
4.6.10 Stability. For the stability test the test specimens of the compression set
tests of 4.6.12 (a) shall be used. After heat treating at 160F for 48 hours, the specimens
shall be examined for evidence of oil or other materials leaching out.
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