| shall be furnished with a tight fitting top heading. Pals shall be palletized in accordance
with MIL-STD-147.
5.2 Marking. In addition to any special marking required by the contract or purchase
order, shipping containers shall be marked in accordance with MIL-STD-129.
6.1 Intended use. The polymeric compound covered by this specification is intended for
use as a nonexplosive reactive material either for sealing, padding, or a combination of
both, in the tail portion of the explosive cavity of bombs where application is made by
means of mixing-dispensing equipment.
Ordering data.
Procurement documents should specify the following:
Title, number, and date of this specification
Quantity of polymeric compound ordered (specify each component amount)
Cognizant agency designated to perform qualification testing
Test data to be furnished procuring activity on quality conformance testing
Type and degree of contractor quality assurance program required
Whether material is to be packed in pails or drums
Special marking, if any (see 5.2).
6.3.1 Cognizant agency. The "cognizant agency" is defined in this specification as the
Naval Explosives Development Engineering Department of the Naval Weapons Station, Yorktown,
Va. 23691.
Cured compound.
The polymeric compound is considered the "cured compound"
approximately 16 hours after mixing.
6.3.3 Gelled compound. The polymeric compound is considered the "gelled compound" from
the time the reacting components gel until approximately 16 hours after mixing.
Thermally protected bombs.
"Thermally protected bombs" is defined in this
specification as bombs coated, prior to explosive loading, with insulating materials-
exterior or interior or combination of both-that provide a heat resistant barrier between
the explosive charge and the elevated temperature environment of a fuel fire. The coating
system used on bombs explosive loaded to meet the bomb sealing suitability requirement of
this specification shall be determined by the cognizant agency.
6.4 Qualification. With respect to products requiring qualification, awards will be
made only for products which are at the time set for opening of bids, qualified for
inclusion in the applicable qualified products list, whether or not such products have
actually been so listed by that date. The attention of the suppliers is called to this
requirement, and manufacturers are urged to arrange to have the products that they propose
to offer to the Federal Government tested for qualification in order that they may be
eligible to be awarded contracts or orders for the products covered by this specification.
The activity responsible for the qualified products list is the Naval Ordnance Systems
Command, Department of the Navy, Washington, D. C. 20360; however, information pertaining
to qualification of products may be obtained from the Commanding Officer, Naval Weapons
Station, Yorktown, Va. 23491, Attn: NEDE Department.
The polymeric compound furnished under contract shall be identical in every
respect to the qualification samples which have been inspected and approved. In the event
that the polymeric compound furnished under contract is found to deviate from the
composition of the approved product or that the product fails to perform satisfactorily,
approval of such product will be subject to immediate withdrawal from the qualified products
6.5 Supersession data. This specification includes the requirements of WS 13584 dated
10 September 1971. When drawings and other documents refer to WS 13584, this specification
Preparing activity:
(Project No. 8030-N052)
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