| ![]() MIL-C-85122(AS) Waterproof velocity. The average muzzle velocity, measured at 78
feet, shall be 3,320 75 ft/sec with a maximum standard deviation of 40 ft/sec. Action time. The average action time shall not exceed 3.0 milliseconds
(ms) and the individual action times shall not exceed 3.3 ms (see 6.5.3). Accuracy. The average dispersion pattern for two groups of 10 cart-
ridges, each fired at 8 vertical target placed at a distance of 500 yards shall not
exceed the following:
1.39 mils
(DL 2519699)
0.95 mil
(DL 2519684)
0.95 mil
(DL 2519700)
1.20 mils
(DL 2519701) Function and casualty. When fired at a minimum rate of 925 shots per
minute (spin) from the MARK 1.2 gun mechanism and 3,800 spm minimum rate
from the MARK 4 gun pod, the firing defects specified in Table I shall not be
3.5.2 High pressure. The HPT cartridge (DL 2605724) shall provide a chamber
pressure of 68,000 2,000 psi copper at 70F when loaded with the type and quan-
tity of propellant specified by the procuring activity (see 6.2.1).
3.5.3 Low pressure. The LPT cartridge (DL 2605725) shall provide a chamber
pressure of 50,000 2,000 psi copper at 70F when loaded with the type and quan-
tity of propellant specified by the procuring activity (see 6.2.1).
3.5.4 Armor piercing incendiary. The API projectile shall produce an incendiary
function upon target impact.
3.5.5 Armor piercing tracer. The APT projectile tracer shall burn for a mini-
mum of 1.1 seconds without separation of either the tracer cup or tracer incen-
diary composition from the tracer cup.
3.5.6 High explosive incendiary. The HEI projectile shall produce a high-order
detonation on target impact.
3.6 Safety. The projectile shall show no evidence of in-bore or in-flight pre-
mature detonation (HEI), premature ignition (API), or tracer cup separation (APT),
within 2,500 yards of the gun.
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