| ![]() MIL-C-85122(AS)
4.5.2 Individual inspections. The individual inspections of Table II, Group I,
shall be performed prior to the sampling tests. Failure to meet the specified
requirements shall be cause for rejecting any cartridges from the lot.
4.5.3 Lot sampling. Upon completion of the individual inspections and the
projectile extraction tests, 500 sample cartridges shall be randomly selected from
the inspection lot (using the sampling methods of MIL-STD-105) for ballistic tests
in accordance with AD-1324. Failure of any sample to meet the requirements
specified herein shall be cause for lot rejection.
4.5.4 Control cartridges. In addition to the sample specified in 4.5.3, the con-
tractor shall deliver from the same component lots that comprise the cartridge
lot being tested 40 cartridge cases and primers, 40 projectiles, and sufficient
propellant for 40 control cartridges (see 6.2.1) to the testing activity with each
lot of cartridges delivered.
4.6 Inspection methods.
4.6.1 Visual and mechanical. The cartridge shall be visually and mechanically
inspected for conformance to the drawings (see 3.3), identification and marking
(see 3.7), and workmanship (see 3.9). Certification. The contractor shall have available for the Government
representative written certification accompanied by objective quality evidence
(as defined in MIL-STD-109) that the components used as a part of the cartridge
meet the requirements specified herein. Primer resistance. The electrical resistance between the primer con-
tact button and the cartridge case of each primed cartridge case shall be mea-
sured, using an approved resistance measuring instrument (with maximum limits
of 5.0 milliamperes and 7.5 millivolts) after the crimping operation and prior to
waterproofing and propellant loading. Primer resistance shall be certified by
the contractor and shall meet the requirements of Gaging. Each cartridge shall be mechanically inspected with the assem-
bled ammunition gage (see 3.8). Failure to enter the gage, within specified toler-
ances, shall be cause for rejecting any cartridge from the lot. Projectile extraction. Fifty sample cartridges shall be randomly selected
from the inspection lot and tested in an approved tensile strength machine. The
machine shall apply force at a controlled rate of 0.125 to 0.250 inch per minute
of test head travel. The force required to extract the projectile from the crimped
cartridge case shall meet the requirements of in accordance with the double
sampling plan defined in MIL-STD-105 and shown in Table III.
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