| ![]() MIL-C-85122(AS) Temperature extremes. The 150 sample cartridges shall be divided
into 3 groups and temperature-conditioned to -65F, ambient, and +165F for a
minimum of 2 hours. The cartridges shall be fired from a MARK 12 gun. Suit-
able screens must be located as shown in AD-1324 within 200 feet of the gun muz-
zle to detect any metal parts separation or breakup on the projectile assembly
during flight. Cartridges shall meet the requirements of HPT and LPT pressure firing. Sample cartridges shall be fired as spe-
cified in the detailed test and range procedures of AD-1324. Twenty-five sample
and 10 control cartridges (see 4.5.4) shall be temperature conditioned from 68F
to 72F for a minimum of 2 hours and tested as Follows:
The first five sample cartridges fired from a pressure test barrel
shall be considered warming rounds.
Ten control cartridges loaded by the testing activity shall be inter-
spersed with the last 20 test cartridges.
The 20 cartridges and the 10 control cartridges shall be fired in
the pressure test barrel.
Peak pressures of the 20 sample cartridges and the 10 interspersed
control cartridges, as determined from the tarage table of the copper
crusher cylinder lot or piezoelectric pressure transducers, shall
be averaged as groups for use in computing the average corrected
pressure. (The 20-sample cartridges are considered as one group
and the 10 control cartridges as another.)
Average pressure for the sample cartridges shall be corrected for
the condition of the barrel by the following formula:
Average corrected peak pressure of the sample cartridges.
Average peak pressures measured for the 20 sample cartridges
Assigned pressure of the 10 control cartridges
Average measured pressure of 10 control cartridges in the
pressure barrel.
Sample cartridges shall meet the requirements of 3.5.2 or 3.5.3, as applicable.
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