| ![]() MIL-D-16196E(SH) Under the test procedure for medium weight equipment, the first
blow in each group shall be applied using the standard horizontal mounting
adaptor; the second blow in each group shall be applied with the unit mounted on
adaptors holding it at a 30 degree angle from the horizontal in the direction of
its least transverse strength. The distillation unit, after sustaining mechanical shock, shall be
capable of normal operation (see 3.3 and 3,4) and no parts thereof shall create a
missile hazard to personnel or contiguous apparatus or otherwise constitute a
personnel hazard (such as rupture of parts containing steam or hot water, with
consequent danger of scalding personnel) at the time of the shock.
Nozzle flanges or piping shall not constitute the means Support.
of support of components or accessories.
Bolts designed to be stressed in shear shall be installed Bolts.
in holes not greater than the following sizes:
Maximum diameter of hole
Nominal bolt diameter
( inch)
( inch)
Nominal bolt diameter plus 1/32
3/4 and smaller
Nominal bolt diameter plus 1/16
Larger than 3/4 Units that are rigidly supported shall not be attached to two
structures which can deflect relative to each other under shock loadings. Shock mounts shall not be used without prior approval of the
Command or agency concerned.
3.6.2 Noise and vibration. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), noise
and vibration requirements shall be as specified herein.
All units shall meet the airborne noise requirements of Noise.
grade D of MIL-STD-740-1.
All compressors shall meet the MIL-STD-740-2
structureborne noise requirements for type I equipment and the pumps shall meet
MIL-STD-740-2 requirement for type II equipment.
3.6 2.2 Vibration.
The unit and all components shall be in accordance with
type 1 and II vibration of MIL-sTD-167-1.
Type IX requirements are through first
order vibrations only.
3.6 2.3 When specified (see 6.2), ball bearings of rotating components of
distillation units shall be in accordance with MIL-B-17931.
Evapo rator.
The evaporator shall be composed of a shell,
3.7.1 Evaporator desire.
tube sheets, tubes and the necessary baffles and demisters to ensure delivery
The minimum shell thickness shall
of distillate having the specified purity.
be 0.125 inch.
Sight windows assemblies and level indicators as specified in
3.7,3 and 3.7,4 shall be provided as necessary to ensure water levels can be
observed during operation and chemical cleaning.
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