| MIL-D-16196E(SH)
If the manufacturer substitutes Commercial material option.
commercial material and such substitution has been approved by the design review
activity, he shall include two columns in the list of materials on his drawings
(see 3.2).
One column shall be used for the specified Federal or Military
specifications , and the other shall show the commercial specification number for
the substituted material.
Notes shall then appear on the drawings stating that
the materials listed in the commercial specification column have physical and
chemical properties which are equal to or better than the specified Federal or
Military specification and are being substituted by the manufacturer.
Detail drawings of all major parts such as shells,
30.1,4 Detail Drawings.
waterboxes , tube sheets, tube supports, baffles, vapor separators, and demisters.
The drawings shall be completely dimensioned, with finishes and welding symbols
indicated, as required for manufacture,
30.1.5 Piping arrangement drawing. A diagrammatic piping arrangement
drawing shall show complete piping required for the operation of the unit.
Piping furnished with the unit and piping furnished by the shipbuilder shall be
clearly indicated.
Location of gauges, thermometers, valves, orifice plates,
acid cleaning connections, and salinity indicators shall be indicated.
30.1.6 Wiring drawing. Wiring assembly drawings showing terminal connec-
tions shall be provided for electrical components furnished with this unit.
Certification data sheets shall be
30.1.7 Certification data drawings.
prepared and shall include a tabulation of the following data:
Velocity of circulating water under rated conditions in the tube
of each component.
Complete heat balance diagrams showing capability of the unit to
produce rated capacity over the required operating range;
diagrams for seawater temperatures of 28, 60, and 85F are
Hydrostatic test pressure for all components, list of on board
repair parts furnished and all similar pertinent design data
A drawing list tabulation with columns for drawing title, manu-
This list shall
facturer's drawing number, and revision symbol.
include all equipment drawings which comprise the design.
revision symbol column shall be kept up to date to the time of
manufacture so that it will indicate for each drawing the
revision applicable to the equipment as built.
30.1.8 Timing.
Drawings shall include tall information as to method of
timing used and the resulting thickness (see 3.14).
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