| ![]() MIL-D-18243B(AS)
Altitude. Compliance with the altitude requirements of the appli-
cable contract detail specification shall be demonstrated.
Recovery (targets). Parachute landing, or other recovery systems,
to meet the recovery requirements of the applicable contract detail specifi-
cation shall be demonstrated.
3.5.19 Visual identification (targets). Compliance of the visual identifi-
cation requirements of the applicable contract detail specification shall be
3.5.20 Propulsion. Satisfactory operation of the propulsion system$ and
conformance with the contract detail specification shall be demonstrated.
Augmentation devices (targets). Radar reflectivity, infrared or
other augmentation systems as required by the applicable contract detail
specification shall be demonstrated.
Free flight termination. Capability of free-flight termination or
safety aero-destruct system tO meet range safety requirements and the con-
tract detail specification shall be demonstrated.
Documentation. Demonstration documentation shall be as specified
on a contract data requirements list (see 6.2.2 and the Appendix). Data
requirements appearing in this specification do not apply unless listed on
the contract data requirements list.
Demonstration plan. A formal demonstration plan shall be submitted
and shall. consist of the following:
a. A list of materials and services required specifically for the
demonstration including test equipment, ground support equipment, launch equip-
ment, telemetry equipment, beacons, etc., required during the demonstration.
b. Indication by the contractor that the system is ready for demon-
stration and that it will meet the performance requirements of the applicable
contract detail specification.
c. General flight test program plan and schedules for demonstrating
items required by the applicable addendum to this specification.
d. Methods for obtaining, processing, and analyzing data.
e. Methods of presenting results of post flight evaluations.
Flight plan. This plan shall be prepared for each block of targets
to be launched and shall include the data specified below. The plan shall
include data sufficient to allow the test activity to plan for each flight.
The plan shall be amended by letter as found necessary prior tO flight of
a modified or altered target system.
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