| MIL-D-18641F(SH)
3.9 Human engineering. Human engineering in accordance with ASTM F 1166 as applicable
shall be applied to the distiller to preclude or minimize the possibility of failure through improper
operation or excessive and complicated maintenance procedures.
3.10 Size and weight. Distilling unit size and weight limitations shall be as specified (see 6.2).
3.11 Materials. The materials shall be as specified hereinafter. Any parts for which materials
are not specified shall be of material best suited for the purpose intended and shall be approved
by the drawing review activity.
3.11.1 Threaded parts. Threaded parts shall be in accordance with MIL-S-1222 except that
materials shall be as specified herein. The construction shall be such that standard wrenches can
be used throughout. Tapered pipe threads shall not be used. A class 5 interference fit in
accordance with ANSI B1.12 shall be used for assembly of tap-end of studs. Studs shall not be
bottomed or shouldered. For the set end of studs, a class 3 fit used with sealing compound, grade
AV or AW of MIL-S-22473, may be substituted for a class 5 interference fit where temperatures
do not exceed 220 degrees Fahrenheit ("F). Thread lubricants. Threaded fasteners that have torque requirements shall be
lubricated before assembly. The lubricant shall be in accordance with the following:
For submarine distilling plants the thread lubricant for bolting in joints involving
seawater submergence pressure tightness shall be red lead and graphite in mineral oil
per MIL-L-24479.
b. For fasteners exposed to steam or condensate, the thread lubricant shall be graphite
in isopropanol in accordance with MIL-L-24131 (Military Symbol CGI).
For all other applications, the thread lubricant shall conform to one of the following:
(1) Graphite in isopropanol in accordance with MIL-L-24131 (Military Symbol CGI)
(2) Molybdenum disulfide in isopropanol in accordance with MIL-L24478 Fastener types. Fastener types shall be in the following order of preference:
a. Through bolt or through (two-nut) stud
b. Tap-end stud (one-nut)
c. cap screw.
3.11.13 cap screws. Cap screws shall not be used for waterbox-to-shell or waterbox-to-tube
sheet bolting, for inspection cover bolting, or for corrosion-preventive anode support cover bolting. Collar or stud bolts. Where collar bolts or stud bolts are used to make up a multiple
flange joint, they shall have a square extension beyond the threads on one end for use of a wrench
to prevent turning of the bolt when the nuts are tightened or removed.
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