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between the double tube sheets open. Any indication of leakage of tube end expansion in the
holes in the inner tube sheets shall be corrected by minimum possible re-rolling. Hydrostatic test
to the pressure in 4.3.1 shall be applied to heat exchangers for saturated steam propelled surface
ships. Test pressures. The hydrostatic test pressures specified in 43.1 shall be increased as
necessary to demonstrate that damage will not result under the conditions specified in 3.1428.1.1.6.
4.3.2 Performance tests after installation. After installation, at least three capacity tests shall
be made on each distillation unit. The test duration shall be 24 hours minimum for the first unit
of a design For units which are exact duplicates of a design which has passed the 24 hour tests,
the duration of the test may be reduced to 8 hours. Tests shall be as follows: First test. The first test shall be made prior to the official trials of the ship, using
circulating water as available at the ship's berth. The capacity shall be as specified in 3.13. If the
water available is such as to foul the tubes of the unit, this test may be waived by the Government.
43.2.2 Second test. The second capacity test shall be made during the official preliminary
trials of the ship, the seawater used for feed being not less than 1/32 density. The capacity shall
be as specified in 3.13. Final test. After 90 days of operation on the ship with seawater feed of not less than
1/32 density, which operation shall be as nearly continuous as practicable, a final capacity test shall
be made to determine the ability of the unit to produce rated capacity (see 3.13).
433 Determination of salinity content. In case of any question as to the accuracy of the
determination of the salinity content of the distillate by the methods available aboard the ship, a
sample of the distillate shall be submitted to a qualified laboratory for determination of the salinity
content as specified in ASTM D 512.
43.4 Basket weld inspections. During or after fabrication of the corrugated baskets for type
III units, the welds joining the basket flanges to the corrugated heating surface, the crimped over
ends of the fingers, and the longitudinal welds of the fingers shall be 100 percent radiographed in
accordance with MIL-STD-271 to prove them free from the following unacceptable defects:
a. Cracks of any length
b. Incomplete penetration of any degree
c.  Lack of fusion
d Any porosity
e. Any inclusion which may lead to a high stress area under alternating cycles
f. Any undercutting of the welds.
4.3.5 Experimental proof tests.  For each heat exchanger salt water side which will be
subjected to submarine Submergence pressure and which is not amenable to a fatigue loading

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