| ![]() MIL-D-l8641F(SH)
Zinc anodes. The drawing shall indicate that the zinc anodes provided in the heat
exchanger comply with the requirements of MIL-A-19521, as modified herein (see
Major parts. _ Detail drawings_of all major parts such as shells, water boxes, tube sheets,
. e.
tube supports, baffles, vapor separators, demister, flash cones and air ejectors shall be
provided. The drawings shall be completety dimensioned with finishes and welding
symbols indicated, asl required for manufacture.
Diagrammatic piping arrangement A diagrammatic piping arrangement drawing shall
be provided showing complete piping required for the operation of the apparatus, with
piping furnished with the apparatus and that to be furnished by the shipbuilder clearly
indicated. Location of gauges, thermometers, valves, orifice plates, acid cleaning
connections, and salinity indicators shall be indicated.
Electrical components. A wiring and connection drawing or drawings shall be provided
for such electrical components as are furnished as part of the unit.
30.2 Tabulation. Tabulated drawings are encouraged as a means to reduce drafting time,
number and size of detail drawings.
30.3 Certification data sheets. Certification data sheets shall be provided and shall include
a tabulation of the following data:
Velocity of circulating water under rated conditions in the tube of each com onent
b. Complete heat balance diagrams for showing capability of the unit to produce rated
capacity over the required operating range. Diagrams for seawater temperatures of 28,
60, and 85 "F are required. In addition for submarine service a diagram for 45 "F is
Hydrostatic test pressure for all components, list of on board repair parts furnished and
all similar pertinent design data
d. A drawing list tabulation with columns for drawing title, manufacturer's drawing number
and revision symbol. This list shall include all equipment drawings which comprise the
design. The revision symbol column shall be kept up to date to the time of manufacture
so that it will finally indicate for each drawing the revision applicable to the equipment
as buiit-
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