| ![]() MIL-D-19326H
* Gauging system. The gauging system, when installed in the aircraft,
shall indicate the amount of liquid oxygen in the converter within an accuracy of
2 percent of indication plus + 4 percent of full scale indication at any of the
major dial divisions on the oxygen quantity indicator. The gauging system shall
be capable of satisfactory operation using external wiring in accordance with the
applicable requirements of MIL-W-5088. The gauging system shall be designed for
the use of cables and connectors which shall have equivalent performance to the
requirements of MIL-E-5400. The length of the cables shall not affect the
accuracy of the systems. The length of the cables shall be adequate to reach the
connections of the converter. Adequate clearance shall be provided for the
indicator connectors so that they can be readily disconnected by servicing
personnel. Provisions shall be made for the storage of the aircraft connectors
when they are disconnected. All electrical components shall be protected from
electromagnetic interference (EMI) and aircraft voltage power surges.
3.6.3 Regulators. Panel mounted. An automatic diluter demand-pressure breathing
regulator, in accordance with MIL-R-2541O (MS22062) or MIL-R-83178 (MS27599), as
applicable, shall be installed at each permanent arid temporary crew station in the
aircraft. The pilot's panel mounted regulator shall be located in accordance with
MIL-STD-203. The crewmember's regulator shall be in the crewmember's field of
vision so that they can readily read the regulator without more than turning their
head and with minimum interference with their flight duties. The regulators shall
be located as close to the stations as is required to reach the regulator by
normal extension of the crewmember's arm. The regulators shall be located so that
they cannot be damaged by movement of personnel around them and may be mounted
vertically or horizontally. The regulator shall be installed with flexible hose
for both inlet and outlet-ports, so-that the regulator may be front serviced for
both installation or removal. Non-panel mounted. Non-panel mounted regulators shall be installed as
specified by the acquiring activity (see 6.2e). Unless otherwise specified, for
installations which utilized regulators without a manual shut-off valve
incorporated in the regulator, a manual shut-off valve shall be provided at each
crewmember's station. The valve shall be installed in the line upstream of the
individual regulator to prevent loss of oxygen when the regulator is not in use
and for stopping flow from a defective quick disconnect or a damaged supply hose.
Stowage provisions shall be made for chest mounted regulators to prevent damage or
contamination during servicing or ingress-egress actions.
* Applicable to the Navy.
Non-panel mounted regulators shall be in
accordance with MIL-R-81553. Preinstallation tests. All regulators shall receive a leakage and
flow test in accordance with the applicable specifications prior to installation
in aircraft. The test shall be conducted not more than thirty days before
installation of the regulator.
3.6.4 Fill-buildup-vent valve. Each permanently installed liquid oxygen
converter shall be filled from a separate combination fill-buildup-vent valve.
Combination fill-buildup-vent valves used in 70 psig and 300 psig (483 kPa and
2,068 kPa) liquid oxygen system shall be located approximately 5 feet above the
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