| MIL-D-23222A(AS)
restrictions approved by NEVAIR or NAVPRO. The flight plan may cover
more than one flight or extend beyond one day, provided the plan is
not changed after release by the NAVPRO.
GENERAL. - The contractor shall determine the
kind and amount of special flight-test
instrumentation necessary to comply with the demonstration require-
ments of this specification. Pursuant to NAVAIR Instruction 13900.1A
and by conferring with representatives of NAVAIRTESTCEN, the contractor
shall make maximum utilization of government-furnished equipment (GFE)
as is available at the time of the conference of 3.2.1 from the
Special Flight Test Instrumentation Pool (SFTIP) at NAVAIRTESTCEN.
All other required instrumentation shall be furnished by the contractor
as contractor-furnished equipment ((CFE). The method of data acquisi-
tion, the number and type of recording devices, and the information
required by items (1) thorough (4) of for each demonstration
shall be proposed by the contractor for NAVAIR approval and subsequent
inclusion as an appendix to the addendum to this specification.
NAVAIRTESTCEN participation in review and verification of suitability
of the proposed instrumentation will be required.
The contractor shall titan and calibrate
all aircraft instrumentation used in performing the demonstrations.
All instruments and instrument systems shall be installed in accor-
dance with the highest standards of mechanical and electrical installat-
ion practices. All tranducers and gages shall be properly located,
shall be properly damped, shall have flat frequency response character-
istics commensurate with the frequencies of excitation of the variable
to be measured, and shall be properly mounted to assure valid measurement
and freedom from extraneous excitations. The maximum time lag between
any two or more channels requiring time correlation shall not exceed
the time constant corresponding to the channel having the lowest flat
frequency response requirement. The flat frequency response shall not
be less than 60 CPS for all strain gages, accelerometers, pressure
traducers, and displacement and velocity measuring instruments.
Magnetic tape recorders, if installed and used on demonstration aircraft
at NAVAIRTESTCEN, must be compatible with the existing ground station
equipment at NAVAIRTESTCEN. Telemetry equipment, if installed, shall be
in accordance with Calibration of each transducer or gage
installation shall be made through the
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