| MIL-D-23222A(AS)
Longitudinal stability and control characteristics
at representative forward and aft CG positions at
the normal take-off gross weight in accordance with
the applicable procedures of tests (e), (f.1a),
(g.1), (h), (i), (j.1), (k), (1.1) and (n.1) of
Table 3.
Lateral Directional flying qualities in accordance
with the procedures of tests (f.2 and f.3), (g.2 and
g.3), (h), (i), (3.2), (k), (1.2), (1.3), (m), and
(0) or Table 3.
(4) Dynamic stability in accordance with the procedures
of tests (m.2, m3 and m4), Table 3.
Vibration characteristics specified in 3.7.4.
REQUIRED FLIGHT ENVELOPE. - The powered flight
envelope shall be at least that of normal flying as
defined in 3.1.5, except that the maximum forward flight speed at any alti-
tude from sea level to critical shall be at least the maximum obtainable at
the basic design gross weight in sustained level flight at that altitude.
with normal rated power.
ROTOR(S) STRESS SURVEY. - The helicopter contractor
shall have performed a preliminary stress survey on
the main rotor(s) and tail rotor (if installed) throughout the required
envelopes the scope of which is defined in 3.7.6.
EMERGENCY ESCAPE SYSTEM. - The contractor shall have
demonstrated by test that the escape system provided
for the helicopter is adequate for personnel safety throughout the required
flight envelope.
POWER PLANT VIBRATION SURVEY. - The aircraft contractor
3.3.5 .2.5.1
shall perform such flight and ground tests as may be
necessary to collect the required vibration data on the power plant
installation(s). Vibration data requested by the power plant manufacturer
via NAVAIR shall be provided by the aircraft contractor to the manu-
facturer to permit his determining the extent to which vibration of
the airframe/power plant combination may affect the power plant. The
scope of the vibration survey and the data recorded stall be sufficient
to facilitate evaluation of the static, dynamic, repeated-load, and
durability design reliability of the power plant/airframe installation
by the power plant manufacturer and by the Government. Instrumentation
shall be sufficient to determine vibration characteristics of the
power plant Installation at frequencies corresponding to all important
forcing frequencies. Instrumentation installed internally in the pwer
plant shall be installed by the power plant manufacturer. The aircraft
contractor is responsible for the collection of all data. The power plant
Vibration Test Plant Report shall be prepared by the air-contractor
and submitted via the power plant
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