| MIL-D-23222A(AS)
DIVES AND PULL-OUTS. - The dives and pull-outs
of Table 2 shall be performed using a single
helicopter. The helicopter shall be inspected subsequent to each
formal test or series of tests as approved by the test authority.
LOADING CONFIGURATION. - The loading configura-
tion shall include all disposable item which
are intended to be carried when the helicopter is performing its
primary mission. If alternate missions require external stores,
additional tests may be specified in the contract addendum to
this specification. For each of the tests of Table 2:
In the event that the specified load factor
of tests a, c, i, and r cannot be attained
at the specified gross weight under any
of the variations of parmeters of
and, the test shall be repeated
with the gross weight reduced such that
the product of the SpeCified load factor
times gross weight equals the maximun
product of load factor times gross weight
obtained during the contractor's developmental
flight tests.
The center-of-gravity position shall be at
least the maximum aft position or maximum
forward position (as applicable) for which
limit strength is required.
Unless otherwise specified, the helicopter
shall be trimmed in steady unaccelerated
flight at the speeds specified for the
test plus or minus 5 hots.
The density altitude shall not exceed 3500 feet.
(c) Rotor RPM shall be the maximum or minimum
power-cm or power-off rotor RPM as applicable
per Table 2. Engine power shall be at maxi-
mum available power.
CONTROL MOVEMENTS. - Unless otherwise specified in
Table 2, the dives and pullouts of 3.7.3 shall be
obtained by the simultaneous deflection of cyclic-pitch control,
collective-pitch control, and/or directional control in not more than
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