| MIL-D-23222A(AS)
(7) Airframe Drain and Vent EXits: At no time during
the firing demonstration shall the airframe fuel,
air or engine drains or vent exits be adversely
affected by the operation of the guns.
ROCKETS. - The satisfactory operation of rocket
installations shall be demonstrated. This demon-
stration shall included simulated operation, rearming, boresighting,
and maintenance on the ground, and actual operation in the air. At
no time during the rocket firing demonstration shall the tail pipe
temperature rise over the allowable transient over-temperature condi-
tions specified by the engine manufacturer and there shall be no
evidenee of compressor stall or engine flame-out, nor shall there be
evidence of aircraft stability or control degradation demonstrated in ac-
cordance with 3.8.2. Adequate air operation of air-to-air and air-to-
ground rockets Shall consist of firing two complete loads of inert warhead
rockets of each type required under the following conditions:
(1) Altitude: The helicopter shall be flown through
the following altitude cycle prior to firing:
Climb to within 2000 feet of the design
service ceiling (intermediate power) and remain
at this altitude not less than five minutes.
Descend to any altitude under 7000 feet and
remain at this altitude not less than five
Climb to within 2000 feet of highest service
ceiling and remain at this altitude for 10
minutes and then commence firing. The 10
minute dwell at altitude my be curtailed as
necessary contingent on the amount of fuel
available. (Highest service ceiling is
defined as that ceiling obtained with the use
of power augmentation when available.)
(2) Rocket gas: At no time during the required firing
shall the rocket gas concentration exceed 90 percent
of the lower explosive limit anywhere in the heli-
copter as indicated on equipment approved by NAVAIR.
The rocket exhaust gas shall not impinge on any
structural member. If this is impracticable, pro-
tection as necessary shall be provided, subject
to NAVAIR approval.
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