| MIL-D-23222A(AS)
wave form of the AC system and voltage regulation and ripple voltage
content for the DC system.
PROTECTION. - The contractor shall demonstrate
satisfactory performance of the fault protection
system and detection equipment under all conditions.
VIBRATIONAL ENVIRONMENT. - The generator vibration
environment, both frequency and amplitude, on the
three major axes shall be recorded. The vibration pickups shall be
installed on the generators as far from the generator mounting pad
as practical. The weight of the pickups shall not exceed one percent
of the generator weight.
LIGHTING. - The contractor shall demonstrate the
interior and exterior lighting systems to show
compliance with Spec MIL-L-18276 or Spec MIL-L-006730 as applicable.
PERFORMANCE. - The contractor shall demonstrate the
performance of the complete avionics installation.
The demonstration, consisting of flight and ground tests, shall deter-
mine the capability of the system to perform the functions dictated
by the required missions of the helicopter. The avionics demonstration
shall include a simulated operation evaluation using special test
equipment as required and a demonstration of the accessibility or units
for test, adjustment, removal and handling for servicing. The contractor
shall combine as many avionics equipment test procedures as possible
into a single flight operation in the interest of economy. The con-
tractor shall demonstrate the compatability of operation of all flight
and weapons system controls while wearing full flight equipment planned
for use in the aircraft. The following characteristics and equipment
shall be demonstrated in accordance with the missions enumerated in
the addenda to this specification.
INTERFERENCE. - The contractor shall demonstrate
that the electrical and electronic systems of the
helicopter meet the requirements of Spec MIL-T-6051. Upon completion
of the general acceptance evaluation, the helicopter shall be test
flown at an altitude and airspeed commensurate with its mission capa-
bility, and all interferences noted during the ground evaluation shall
be corrected prior to flight test. Any changes in the intensity of
interference between the two tests shall be reported.
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