| MIL-D-23222A(AS)
Accuracy of bearing indication for direction
finding, homing and localization of signal
Recording of signals and other required data
for post flight analysis.
Effectiveness of electronic jamming in the
various modes and types of modulation.
Mechanical dispersal of countermeasures con-
fusion reflectors at required speeds and al-
titudes of the helicopter.
ASW EQUIPMENTS -The contractor shall demon-
strate that the operation of the ASW equipment
is in accordance with the applicable specifications. The contractor
shall include, within the designed mission of the helicopter, demon-
stration of satisfactory performance in the areas of detection,
classification and localization as applicable, to include the following:
(1) Detection ranges, mapping, navigation, and appli-
cable acquisition features and tracking methods.
(2) Antenna stabilization characteristics in pitch,
ro11, and yaw.
(3) System integration, conducted and radiant inter-
ference, and overall compatibility.
(4) Indicator displays in an operational environment.
RADIO RELAY REQUIREMENT. -The contractor shall--
demonstrate that the operation of the radio relay
equipment is in accordance with the applicable specifications. The
conttractor shall demonstrate satisfactory performance compatible with
the designed mission of the helicopter. The equipment shall be
capable of receiving and transmitting information at the required
signal strengths. It shall provide the required data handling capa-
bilities. The turn-around time shall be within specified limits.
The specified modulation characteristics shall be obtained. Speech
processing shall be provided as required. Relay squelch change
control shall be provided as specified.
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