| MIL-D-23222A(AS)
Evaluations conducted with and without external
stores shall be reported. A discussion of the
operational envelope in terms of maximum ranges
versus altitude at various frequencies shall be
included. Ground facilities shall be completely
described to allow comparisons with similar data
obtained on other helicopter antenna system and
with the model range antenna studies.
(9) Preliminary bearing accuracy curves of the navi-
gational system including boundary limits for
position-indicating equipment shall be presented
to indicate the degree of compliance With the
accuracy requirements of applicable specifica-
tions. For navigational type equipments normally
used during penetrations, letdowns and instru-
ment ladings, sufficient discussion of actual
flights Shall be included to clearly demonstrate
distance and accuracy capabilities near the
terminal stations as well as to maximum range
(10) A report of the flight performance and operational
accuracy of the countermeasures systems at various
ranges from appropriately described signal sources
on the ground. This evaluation shall be made on
representative frequencies within each frequency
band covered by the antennas and equipment installed.
(11) The laboratory evaluation and flight test results
showing the performance of the radar and/or fire
control system shall be reported in graphic and/or
statistical form where applicable. Comments on the
operational capability shall also be reported.
(12) The flight performance and operational accuracy of
the electronic altimeter system and an assessment
of the adequacy of the system for the intended
mission of the helicopter. Critical factors
affecting the installation of the altimeters shall
be reported in detail.
(13) The flight performance of the automatic control and
stability augmention system.
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