| MIL-D-23222A(AS)
(3) Sub-paragraphs may be added as required.
(4) In cases of discrepancies between this specification
and addenda, the addenda shall govern.
REVISION OF ADDENDA. - Revisions to addenda to this
Specification will be prepared and promulgated by
NAV. when such revisions have been officially approved within NAVAIR,
ADDENDA REVISION APPROVAL. - unpredictable changes to
systems, mission requirements, etc., may dictate re-
vision to basic demonstration requirements during the course of a
demonstration program. In the event this occurs immediate action shall
be initiated to obtain official NAVAIR approval of the proposed revision
to avoid demonstration schedule disruption and resultant program delay.
DUPLICATION OF DATA. - Duplication of data shall be
avoided. Data previously submitted under an addendum
may be referenced when applicable to data subsequently submitted in same
REVISION OF DATA. - Data submitted under an addendum
to this specification shall be revised whenever new
information invalidates such data.
SECURITY CLASSIFICATION. - Classified data and reports
shall contain the proper security classification on
each page of reports, photographs, etc., in accordance with existing
security regulations.
Project NO. 1520-NO19
*U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1971-714-157/12249
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