| ![]() MIL-D-38024B
MIL-STD-105 - Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by
MIL-STD-129 - Marking for Shipment and Storage
- Drogue, Parachute Static Line
(Copies of specificaitons, standards and drawings required by suppliers in
connect ion with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the
procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer).
(Figure 1 is a miniature reproduction of referenced drawing is is attached
for information only).
3.1 Preproduction sample. - Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), prior to
starting production, the supplier shall submit or make ready for the contracting
officer or his duly authorized representative, one or more samples of the finished
item for inspecting as specified in paragraph 4.2 of this specification. The
preproduction sample shall be manufactured in the same facilities and by the
production tools and methods to be used for manufacture of the production items.
The approval of the preproduction sample authorizes the supplier to commence
production, but does not relieve the supplier of responsibility for compliance
with all applicable provisions of this specification.
3.2 Materials. - All materials shall be as specified on the drawing.
3.3 Design and construction. - The design and construction shall be in
accordance with the drawing, specifications and standards listed in section 2,
and as specified herein.
3.3.1 Machine stitching. - Thread breaks, skips and missing stitching shall
be overstitched a minimum of 1 inch beyond ends of each defect, except for type
308 stitching which shall be overstitched two or three stitches. Runoffs shall
be restitched to conform to the required stitch pattern. Backstitching is not
required when ends of type 301 stitching are turned under in a hem or held down
by other stitching. Thread tension shall be maintained so that there will be
no loose stitching and the lock will be imbedded in the materials sewed. All
thread ends shall be trimmed.
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