| ![]() MIL-D-435F(ME) Batteries. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), the distributor shall be furnished with
batteries that are charged and dry. Battery box. The batteries shall be contained in a weatherproof box fabricated of
steel not less than 0.0747 inch (USS 14 gage) in thickness or in a waterproof compartment on the
paver provided the compartment meets the requirements specified herein. When the batteries are
installed in the box, with all electrical connections completed and with the battery-box lid in the
closed position, no uninsulated electrical conductor shall be within 1 inch of any point with the
battery box at top of the box, and drains shall be provided in the bottom. The box shall have
built-in restraints and holddowns, constructed so that pressure will be applied to the outer battery
case only. The box shall be located so that the batteries will be accessible for maintenance,
servicing with a hydrometer and syringe, removal, and replacement. Grommets shall be
furnished to protect the battery lead-in cables. All interior surfaces of the box, including the
restraints and holddowns, shall be treated with acid-resistant paint.
3.5.8 Wiring. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), the manufacturer's standard commercial
wiring system shall be furnished. When specified (see 6.2), the wiring shall conform to
MIL-C-13486 or SAE J1067 and shall be sized in accordance with the National Electrical Code
recommendation for the current capacity required. The cables shall be bound together by wraps
placed at 3-inch intervals or inclosed in spiral cut plastic tubing. Grommets shall be furnished to
prevent chafing where the cable passes through sheet metal or structural members, and clips shall
be used for support. Wiring connectors shall conform to MS27142, MS27143, MS27144,
MS27145, MS27146, or MS27147, as applicable. Prior to assembly, connectors shall be
lubricated with electrical insulation compound conforming to MIL-S-8660.
3.5.9 Clutch. A hand operated, over-center, engagement-type clutch shall be furnished. The
clutch shall transmit not less than 150 percent of the maximum torque developed by the engine.
The clutch lining shall conform to SAE J998.
3.5.10 Transmission. When required to meet all rates of application and operations specified
herein, a transmission shall be provided and shall be located between the bitumen pump and
3.6 Pump system.
3.6.1 Bitumen pump and piping. The bitumen pump shall be of the positive displacement,
rotary type. Suction-line and outlet-line piping shall be provided to extend inlet and outlet of
pump, respectively, to accessible locations. This piping shall be not less than 3-inch-inside-
diameter pipe, and each pipe shall be provided with faucet end and dust cap components for
3-inch quick-disconnect coupling (see 3.8.3). A perforated, removable, galvanized strainer shall
be provided in the suction-line piping to the pump. The pump shall be enclosed in a metal
housing equipped with access doors. Provisions shall be made for heating the pump with the
portable burner. The housing with access doors shall be constructed and located so that, when
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