| ![]() MIL-D-435F(ME)
volume of asphalt cement shall be determined by weight using unit weight and weight-to-volume
conversion. A volume of asphalt cement of less than 350 gallons sprayed into the container
during this 60-second period shall constitute failure of this test. Application and distribution. Install the distance and speed indicating device as
specified on a prime mover with a supply tank, tow the distributor, and apply 85-100 penetration
asphalt cement through the 24-foot spraybar at rates of 0.4, 0.8, and 1.5 gallon(s) per square yard
over a predetermined distance of not less than 100 feet for each rate. The 1.5 gallons per square
yard rate shall be applied while going down a grade. Then apply 85-100 penetration asphalt
cement through 4 feet of spraybar at a rate of 0.1 gallon per square yard over a distance of not
less than 100 feet while going up a grade. The following procedures shall be followed for testing
at each of these rates:
a. Weigh the tank filled with bitumen.
b. Apply the bitumen over the predetermined distance at the required rate of application
(speed of truck and metering device reading or setting should be obtained from
distribution chart specified herein).
c. Using a stopwatch, determine time required for the distributor to apply bitumen over
the predetermined distance.
d. Weigh the tank after the bitumen has been applied.
e. Determine amount of bitumen applied by difference in weight of the tank before and
after test and convert to gallons (use applicable certified specific gravity versus
temperature curve).
f. Compute rate of application in gallons per square yard by utilizing amount of bitumen
applied, travel distance, application time, and spraybar width.
Observe spray pattern during all rates of application and observe applied bitumen after each
application for streaking or puddling. Examine the nozzles for drip after shutoff. With the
spraybar at maximum width, operate the distributor at the speed required for an application rate
of 0.1 gallon per square yard, and bring one end of the spraybar into contact with a rigid
obstacle. Observe the horizontal swing breakaway feature. Individually shut off one nozzle in
the center section of the spraybar to demonstrate individual shutoff feature. Then fold and lock
the 24-foot spraybar and apply bitumen through the center section only. Any of the following
shall constitute failure of this test: rate of bitumen actually applied not within +10 percent of the
predetermined rate; spray from any nozzle not extending to the centerline of adjacent nozzles;
streaking or puddling of applied bitumen; the extended end section of the spraybar not swinging
horizontally without damage to the spraybar or other parts of the distributor when extended
section strikes a rigid obstacle; the extended end sections of the spraybar not folding or locking
in folded position as specified; extended end section valve linkage not automatically
disconnected, or nozzle valves not closing and remaining in closed position when extended
section of the spraybar is locked in folded position; spraybar valve linkage not operating as
required when spraybar is either folded or extended; nozzles dripping after shutoff; flow from
individual nozzle not being shut off.
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