| ![]() MIL-D-45502B Brake testing. Each drive shall be tested for brake release
and return by manual operation and the brake circuit of each drive elec-
trically tested for brake release (3.2,2.4) using the test method speci-
fied in The brake solenoid circuit of each drive shall be tested
for dielectric withstanding voltage (, insulation resistance
( and direct current resistance ( using the test methods
specified in Drives failing to meet the brake testing require-
ments shall be rejected. Functioning testing. Each drive shall be tested for func.
tioning (3.3.2) using the test method specified in Drives fail.
ing to meet the functioning requirements shall be rejected. Endurance testing. Lot size. The initial endurance test lot size shall con-
sist of the initial month's production. Subsequent endurance test lot
sizes shall consist of 100 drives. Procedure. One drive randomly selected from each endur.
ante lot shall be tested for endurance requirements (3.3.3) using the
test method specified in Failure of the drive to meet the re-
quirements shall cause retest or rejection of the represented lot. An
endurance retest of 2 drives shall be made from the same lot, unless in
the opinion of the Government representative the failure indicates serious
defects in the item, in which case retest shall be made only if authorized
by the procuring agency. Failure of either drive in the retest to meet
the endurance requirements shall cause rejection of the represented lot
subject to reconditioning and further testing as a reconditioned lot.
Sample size and test methods shall be the same as for the endurance retest. Interchangeability testing. In plant. Drives. A sample of 3 drives randomly selected from
each inspection lot be tested for interchangeability (3.4)
using the test method specified in Drives taken for
interchangeability testing shall have been found satisfactory in all
other examinations and tests. Test frequency may be reduced to not
less than one test of 3 drives each month when a record of consis-
tently satisfactory results has been established. The 3 drives shall
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