| MIL-D-48437A(MU)
3.4.2 Printed Circuit Cards.- All printed circuit cards used shall
be designed and manufactured in accordance with MIL-STD-275.
3.4.3 Exterior Surfaces.- On exterior surface finish 21.3 of
MIL-STD-171 using primer TT-P-1757 color Y. Bake primer and top coat
color Olive Drab No. 24087 of FED-STD-595a.
3.5 Design and Performance.
3.5.1 Weight. The Display shall weigh amaximum of 29 lbs.
3.5.2 Input Power.- The Display shall operate with no degradation
over the voltage range of 24-30 VDC at 75 watts max.
3.5.3 Electrical Connections.- Electrical connections shall be made
through a 10-107924-20S (Bendix) connector. A threaded protective cap & chain shall
be provided with the connector.
Conector Type - 10-107924-20S(Bendix) Wiring.- The connector shall be wired per Table 1. Input format. - The input format shall be in accordance with
Figure 1. Input impedance. - Input impedance for the horizontal and
vertical inputs shall be 75 ohms 0.1%. Input impedance for the blanking
input shall be 5K ohms minimum.
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