| MIL-D-48437A(Mu)
4.4.5 Examinations.- Unless otherwise specified, components and subassem-
blies shall be inspected in accordance with the "Inspection provisions for
components and subassemblies" and the Sampling Plan Tables contained in MIL-
F-13926. Examinations to verify requirements of 3.3 shall be performed.
Examinations and tests for packaging, packing and marking shall be in ac-
cordance with MIL-P-14232 and Section 5 herein.
4.4.6 Functional tests. - Detail functional requirements shall be inspect-
ed on a 100 percent basis. Unless otherwise specified, all examinations
and tests shall be conducted at the following standard ambient conditions:
+50F to +90F
a. Temperature
b. Relative humidity
90 percent RH max.
c. Pressure
28 to 32 inches of Hg
4.5 Environmental test methods and Procedures.
4.5.1 Temperature storage.
a. High temperature. - This test shall be conducted in accordance
with Procedure I, Method 501 of MIL-STD-81OB.
b. Low temperature.- This test shall be conducted in accordance
with Procedure 1, Method 502, of MIL-STD-81OB.
4.5.2 Humidity.- The Display shall be subjected to the humidity test
as outlined in MIL-STD-81O, Method 507, Procedure II, except that per-
formance test to be conducted during the exposure shall be conducted dur-
ing the 1st, 3rd and 5th cycles; subsequently the display shall not be
damaged or adversely affected and shall meet the performance requirements
of this specification.
4.5.3 Shock. - The Display shall be subjected to three 10G, 11 mini-
second duration, shocks in each of the three mutually perpendicular direc-
tions for a total of 18 shocks as outlined in MIL-STD-81O, Procedure I.
The Display shall be energized and a test pattern observed on a monitor.
Subsequent to the shock test, the display shall not have been damaged or
adversely affected and shall meet the performance requirements of this
4.5.4 Vibration. - The Display shall be subjected to the vibration as
specified in MIL-STD-81O, Method 514, Procedure VIII except that the dis-
placement and frequency shall be as follows:
0.076 in. double
23- 40
40- 500
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