| ![]() MIL-D-52916A(ME)
(Non-Government standards and other publications are normally available from the
organization that prepare or distribute the documents. These documents also may be available in
or through libraries or other informational services.)
2.3 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of this specification and
the references cited herein, (except for associated detail specifications, specification sheets or
MS standards) the text of this document takes precedence. Nothing in this document, however,
supersedes applicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.
3.1 Description. This specification covers a truck mounted, bituminous distributor with a
hydrostatically driven bituminous pump. The distributor shall consist of an insulated tank, tank
heating system, full circulating spray bar, hand spray attachment, and all equipment necessary to
make a complete distributor mounted on a military truck chassis, as specified herein. The overall
width of the distributor, in the travel position, shall not exceed 97 inches (2463.8 mm).
3.2 First article. When specified (see 6.2), a sample shall be subjected to first article
inspection (see 6.3) in accordance with 4.3.
3.3 Materials. Materials shall be as specified herein. Materials not specified shall be
selected by the contractor and shall be subjected to all provisions of this specification.
3.3.1 Material deterioration prevention and control. The distributor shall be fabricated from
compatible materials, inherently corrosion resistant or treated to provide against the various
forms of corrosion and deterioration that may be encountered in any of the applicable operating
and storage environments to which the distributor may be exposed. Dissimilar metals. Dissimilar metals shall not be used in intimate contact with each
other unless protected against galvanic corrosion. Dissimilar metals and methods of protection
are defined and detailed in MIL-STD-889. Identification of materials and finishes. The contractor shall identify the specific
material, material finish or treatment for use with component and subcomponent, and shall
make information available upon request to the contracting officer or designated representative.
3.3.2 Recovered materials. For the purpose of this requirement, recovered materials are
those materials which have been collected from solid waste and reprocessed to become a source
of raw materials, as distinguished from virgin raw materials. The components, pieces and parts
incorporated in the distributor may be newly fabricated from recovered materials to the
maximum extent practicable, provided the distributor produced meets all other requirements of
this specification. Used, rebuilt or remanufactured components, pieces and parts shall not be
incorporated in the distributor.
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