| ![]() MIL-D-52916A(ME)
3.21 Lubrication. The truck mounted distributor shall be capable of operating using
standard military lubricants without deleterious effects due to lubrication. All components
requiring lubrication shall be provided with means of lubrication. Initial servicing of each truck-
mounted distributor shall be with military lubricants.
3.21.1 Lubricants. The procedure for the selection of lubricants shall be in accordance with
MIL-STD-838, section 5. Lubricants selected shall be in accordance with MIL-HDBK-113,
chapter 2. When the specification of the lubricant selected includes a requirement for a Qualified
Products List (QPL), the lubricant supplied shall be from a source that is listed on the applicable
3.22 Electromagnetic interference. The electromagnetic interference emission
characteristics of the distributor shall conform to the requirements of SAE J551.
3.23 Decontaminating apparatus, portable (DAP), M13. The DAP mounting bracket
(MS53052-1) shall be installed in a manner which shall not interfere with the normal operation
of the equipment. The DAP has the approximate dimensions of a standard issue five gallon can
in accordance with MIL C-1283 with a weight of 54 pounds (24.5 Kg). An upright installation is
preferred. Horizontal mounting shall be used only with the approval of the contracting officer.
The DAP device has a flash point of 165 F (74 C) and shall be installed away from the exhaust
or heat sources.
3.24 Treatment and painting. The portions of the distributor normally painted, internally and
externally, shall be cleaned, treated, and painted in accordance with MIL-T-704, type F or G, as
applicable. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), topcoat shall be camouflage green 383 in
accordance with MIL-C-46168. When specified (see 6.2), the distributor shall be overcoated in
accordance with the Government furnished camouflage patterns with MIL-C-46168 top coat of
the colors specified in the camouflage patterns except the first article may be camouflage
green 383.
3.24.1 Camouflage pattern data. When specified (see 6.2), the contractor shall provide
camouflage pattern data.
3.25 Identification marking. Each distributor shall be identified in accordance with
MIL-STD-130. Marking shall be applied to the distributor on identification plates in accordance
with MIL-P-514, type I, style 1, composition C, type I, grade A, class 1 material. Plates shall be
attached by screws, bolts, or rivets in a conspicuous, protected location.
3.25.1 Shipping data plates. Each distributor shall be provided with two shipping data
plates in accordance with MIL-P-514, type III, composition C, type I, grade A, class 1 material.
One plate shall indicate shipping data for the unmounted distributor and shall be entitled
"SHIPPING DATA FOR DISTRIBUTOR". The other plate, showing distributor shipping data,
shall contain a warning to indicate that distributor lifting attachments are not to be used to lift
the truck-mounted distributor. One plate shall show the silhouette of the distributor in transport
position, indicating the center of gravity and the location and capacity of the lifting and tiedown
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