| ![]() MIL-D-52916A(ME)
3.27.3 Riveted connections. Rivet holes shall be accurately punched or drilled and shall
have the burrs removed. Rivets shall completely fill the holes. Rivet heads shall be full and
concentric with the rivet holes, and in full contact with the surface of the member.
3.28 Welders and welding.
3.28.1 Welders. Before assigning any welder or welding operator to welding work covered
by this specification, the contractor shall obtain certification that the welder or welding operator
has passed qualification tests as prescribed by either of the following listed codes for the type of
welding operations to be performed, and that such qualifications are effective as defined by the
particular code:
AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code Steel, Section IX, Welding and Brazing
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
Contractors who make only horizontal welds need not qualify welders for "all position welding".
Certification shall be made available for review, upon request, by the contracting officer or
designated representative. The Government reserves the right to require the recertification of
any welder or welding operator.
3.28.2 Welding. The surfaces of parts to be welded shall be free from rust, scale, paint,
grease, mill scale and other foreign matter that can be removed by chipping and wire brushing.
Parent materials, weld filler metals and fabrication techniques shall be as required to enable the
distributor to be as specified in the examination and test requirements specified in section 4.
Parts to be joined by fillet welds shall be brought into as close contact as possible and in no event
shall be separated by more than 0.187 inch (4.75 mm) unless appropriate bridging techniques are
used. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), the welding process used in fabrication of the pump
unit shall be the option of the contractor.
2.28.3 Surfaces. All parts, components, and assemblies including castings, forgings, molded
parts, stampings, bearings, seals, machined surfaces, and welded parts shall be cleaned and free
of sand, dirt, fins, pits, sprues, scale, flux and other harmful or extraneous materials. External
surfaces shall be smooth, and all edges shall be rounded or beveled.
3.29 Fire extinguisher. A fire extinguisher of 10 BC rating shall be mounted where it is easy
to access by the operator.
4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase
order, the contractor is responsible for the performance of all inspection requirements
(examinations and tests) as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified in the contract or
purchase order, the contractor may use his own or any other facilities suitable for the
performance of the inspection requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the
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