| ![]() MIL-D-52923B(ME)
c. A 4-inch quick-disconnect coupling provided on the suction side of the pump to which
the suction hose can be connected. A chain secured dust cap shall be provided. The
couplings shall be accessible to an operator standing on the ground.
d. A fire hose in accordance with ZZ-H-451. The hose shall be not less than 50 feet in
length. Fittings shall be provided to connect the hose to the 1-1/2 inch outlet
(see 3.4.2g).
e. A fire hose nozzle (with on/off control) compatible with the hose fittings shall be
f. A removable, galvanized, inlet screen to protect the pump from particles greater than
1/8 inch during tank loading.
g. All necessary valving, fittings, and dust caps shall be provided. Means shall be
provided to store the accessories on the distributor. Each accessory shall remain in its
place during any operation specified herein.
h. Instructions for water distribution rates shall be provided with each distributor. The
instructions shall be encased in waterproof laminated plastic. The instructions shall
provide the operator with the water distribution rate in gallons per 100 foot length
pattern, correlated to the following variables:
(a) First and second tractor transmission geared speeds at 100 percent and 50 percent
governed engine rpm.
(b) Water pump speeds of 100 percent and 50 percent of engine governed rpm.
(c) Per nozzle at maximum opening size, using 1 and 2 nozzles. The distribution rate
chart shall be within 15 percent of actual or measured rate for each variable.
3.7.5 Remote control. The distributor controls shall be incorporated in a common panel.
The panel shall be connected to the semitrailer with a jacketed cable adequately supported and of
sufficient length to permit temporary placement of the panel in the cab of the towing vehicle and
permit normal distributor operations, including right and left jackknifes up to 90 degrees. The
remote control cable shall be located in a protected location and shall be supported with
cushioned clamps through the semitrailer length at intervals of not more than 3 feet. All jacketed
cable components such as pneumatic lines, fittings, electric cable, connectors, etc., shall be
suitable for use over a temperature range of -40 to +200 F. Pneumatic lines shall be in
accordance with SAE J1402. Pneumatic lines shall be provided with spring guards or similar
devices to reduce tendency of lines to crimp or collapse at line fittings. The controls shall permit
independent on-off operation of each spray nozzle valve. Control of the nozzle valves and engine
throttle control shall be accomplished by air pressure derived from the truck-tractor air supply.
The panel shall contain an engine tachometer, a distributor tank low water level indicator light,
and controls to allow pump engine start up, shutdown and increase and decrease in engine rpm's.
The low water level indicator light shall indicate when the water level in the tank is 500 gallons or
lower. Each control shall be clearly and permanently identified. Self-adhering tape for
identification is not permitted. Means shall be provided to store the remote control on the
distributor when not in use. A bracket shall be provided to firmly mount the panel in the
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