| ![]() MIL-D-52923B(ME)
g. Repeat steps b, c, d, e, and f until 10 tank loads have been sprayed.
Inability to perform any of these operations or evidence of any failure or malfunction shall
constitute failure of this test. Tractor distributor compatibility check. Determine conformance to requirements of
3.4.2a. Inability to conform to requirements of 3.4.2a shall constitute failure of this check.
4.6 Toxicological data and formulations inspection. The contractor shall have available to the
contracting officer a certificate of compliance that the liners and all surfaces that contact the water
are non-toxic (see 3.6). The certificate shall be supplied by an independent material testing
laboratory or by the product manufacturer.
4.7 Inspection comparison. The Government may select water distributors at any time during
the contract production period and subject them to any test or examination as specified in section
4 to determine conformance to the requirements of this specification. The inspection will be
performed by the Government, at a site selected by the Government, on units-selected at random
from those which have been accepted by the Government and will not include the previously
inspected first article vehicle.
4.7.1 Inspection failure. Failure of an inspection comparison water distributor to meet any
requirement specified herein, during and as a result of the examination and tests specified in 4.5,
shall be cause for rejection of the inspection comparison water distributor(s), and shall be cause
for refusal by the Government to continue acceptance of production water distributors until
evidence has been provided by the contractor that corrective action has been taken to eliminate
the deficiencies.
4.8 Inspection of packaging. Prior to shipment, all vehicles produced shall be examined for
preservation and marking which shall be in accordance with the quality assurance provisions of
5.1 Preservation, packing and marking. Each complete distributor shall be preserved, packed
and marked in accordance with MIL-D-771. The degree of preservation shall be A, B, or
commercial and the degree of packing shall be A, B, or commercial as specified (see 6.2). When
the commercial packaging option of MIL-D-771 is selected, preservation and packing shall
comply with the requirements of ASTM D 3951.
6.1 Intended use. The distributor is intended for use in soil stabilization and soil compaction
operations requiring distribution of water. The distributor can also be used for dust alleviation,
fire fighting and transport water for emergency use.
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