| ![]() MIL-D-52987A(ME)
a. Sectionalization. This demonstration shall be conducted on a relatively flat unimproved area
of sufficient size for disassembly, maneuvering, and reassembly of the distributor. Using hand
tools furnished with the distributor (no power tools allowed), separate the distributor into two
sections. Drive the powered section trader its own power for a distance of 50 feet from the
remaining section and steer the powered section at least 45 degrees to the longitudinal axis of
the remaining section. Drive and steer the powered section to join with the remaining section
and reassembly the two sections into a composite unit using the above hand tools only. Record
the time required for the maneuvering and reassembly operation. No chains, cables, hoists,
blocking, or other vehicles shall be used to assist in the disassembly, maneuvering, and
reassembly operations. Nonconformance to 3.8 shall constitute failure of this demonstration.
The sectionalization demonstration will be compared to the disassembly and assembly
instruction specified in 3.21. In addition, those assemblies or components unique to the type II
vehicle, or required as a result of the sectionization feature, shall be evaluated and verified as a
part of this test, to include disassembly, examination, and reassembly. Maintenance function,
procedures, or tools peculiar to the type II equipment, as well as publications associated with
the specific features of sectionization, shall also be evaluated and verified. All errors in
publications or procedures shall be corrected by the contractor and submitted to the
Government for approval prior to acceptance of the preproduction model of the distributor.
During this demonstration, the water distribution functions and maintenance tasks shall be
performed following procedures in the technical publications using common tools plus any
special tools identified by the contractor. ROPS/FOPS. The ROPS and FOPS shall be tested in accordance with SAE J1040 and
SAE J231. The removal and replacement of the ROPS/FOPS canopy shall be demonstrated following the
procedures in the contractor's manual. Permanent deformation or damage to any part of the ROPS/FOPS
canopy or its mounts, or inability to meet the requirements of 3.6.2 and 3.19 shall constitute failure of this
demonstration. Weight. The weights of the distributor and the distributor sections (type II only) shall be
measured with a scale calibrated within 6 months of the demonstration. Inability to meet the minimum and
maximum weight limits of 3.7.1 shall constitute failure of this demonstration. Performance. The distributor shall be demonstrated as follows for a minimum total of
40 hours to prove conformance to 3.2, 3.9, and 3.12 through 3.15.
a. Travel - Drive the distributor at maximum speed over a smooth paved surface and over gravel
and crushed stone haul roads and unimproved trails. Negotiate the distributor over off-road
terrain. Demonstrate the distributor's ability to ford creeks and to cross V-ditches, typical of
those along highways. Negotiate mud at least 12-inches deep while steering to both right and
left (duck-walk). Immobilize the distributor in the muddy area and demonstrate its ability to
withstand being retrieved by towing out or pushing out, both forward and rearward; continue
towing the distributor with the engine shut down to a simulated, suitable repair area.
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